Category: Email and Groupware

Shared Mailbox

Integrate shared mailbox in Outlook Outlook for Mac: Outlook for Windows: Outlook Web Access (OWA):

D-ARCH Termine

The department’s dates can be subscribed to in Apple Calendar or Outlook (Mac and Windows). The precondition is that the personal ETH Mail account has already been set up in Apple Mail or Outlook. Open the website and log in with, if a login window will appear. If you are already logged in, […]

Outlook iPadOS (and iOS)

Configure Microsoft Outlook iPadOS (and iOS) A. Open ‘App Store’ and search for ‘microsoft outlook’ [1]. Then click on ‘Get’ [2]. B. Then click on ‘Install’ [1]. C. Then enter your ‘Apple Account’ Password [1] and click ‘Sign in’ [2]. D. If you wish, you can save [1] your ‘Apple Account’ password for all free software […]

Outlook macOS (Microsoft 365)

Configure Microsoft Outlook (macOS) A. Open ‘Microsoft Outlook’ [2] from the application folder [1]. If you have not yet installed Microsoft Outlook on your computer, please follow these instructions here. B. First select ‘Allow’ for the notifications [1]. Then enter your ETH in the e-mail field [2] (not your D-ARCH e-mail address!). Then click on […]

Outlook Windows (Microsoft 365)

Configure Microsoft Outlook (Windows) To use the new Mail-Server, the Department of Architecture suggests using the newest Office-Version. This would now be Outlook 365. The new Webmail is under If you don’t have any E-Mail account setup on your device, you can start right away, see point 1. If you want to remove an […]

Apple Mail & Calendar macOS

Migration Exchange account to the cloud macOS Due to the migration of Exchange accounts to the cloud, please follow these instructions from mid-August 2024: A. Delete old account Add Apple Mail & Calendar B. Add new account Please note: Enter your ETH in the e-mail address field! Customize email address C. For Apple Mail, […]

Email Android

Configure ETH Exchange Account in Android Client configuration At the Moment ETH is migrating People to the Microsoft Office Cloud. Users that already got migrated, should use the Outlook App on Android: Use as Email-Address, even if you are a Student Please complete with your OTP-Password *** Old Manual: Choose your desired Mail-App on […]

Email Distributor

Email Distributor/Mailing-Lists Group aliases For each chair exists a group alias. This is the email distributor to all members of a chair.This group alias possess the following form: Other Distributors There are more email distributors at the D-ARCH. To the protection of abuse and spam you have to login first to view these informations. […]

Calendar Sharing macOS

Sharing your Calendar macOS ETH Zurich is using an Exchange-Server. If you have cofigured your Mail-Account in accordance with our instructions on E-Mail Mac your calendar (iCal) is already configured. Find below our instructions how to share your personal calendar. To share your Calendar in Office 365 on Windows, please follow here: Sharing your […]

Apple Mail & Calendar iOS (and iPadOS)

Configure iOS (and iPadOS) ETH Exchange account (mail, calendar, etc) A. ‘Search’ [1] for ‘Add account’ [2]. Then click on ‘Add account’ [3] und choose ‘Microsoft Exchange’ [4]. On iPadOS, you can find the search by swiping down from the centre of the home screen or the lock screen. B. For description enter ‘ETH Mail’ […]