Tag: Kalender

Calendar Sharing macOS

Sharing your Calendar macOS ETH Zurich is using an Exchange-Server. If you have cofigured your Mail-Account in accordance with our instructions on E-Mail Mac your calendar (iCal) is already configured. Find below our instructions how to share your personal calendar. To share your Calendar in Office 365 on Windows, please follow here: https://unlimited.ethz.ch/display/itkb/Share+calendar+for+other+people+or+groups Sharing your […]

Email & Calendar macOS

Configure macOS ETH Exchange account (mail, calendar, etc) In the course of 2024, all Exchange accounts (students and employees) will be migrated to the cloud. You can find the current instructions for macOS for the Apple Mail application here: https://unlimited.ethz.ch/display/itkb/Apple+Mail+on+macOShttps://unlimited.ethz.ch/display/itwdb/iOS+and+iPadOS If you prefer the Microsoft Outlook application, you can find these instructions here: https://unlimited.ethz.ch/display/itkb/Outlook+on+macOShttps://unlimited.ethz.ch/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=228851929 You […]