Tag: wlan

WiFi Mac

Connecting to the ETH WLAN with Mac OS X If you want to establish a wireless connection please choose the network «eduroam-5» or«eduroam» . Connecting to SSID «eduroam-5» or «eduroam» To connect to the ETH network «eduroam-5» or «eduroam», you have to do the following settings once: 1. Click on the wireless symbol in the menu bar of […]

WiFi Android

Note: If you are using the Swift keyboard, the hyphen may not be recognized. In this case you have to switch to the Google keyboard! There is an Eduroam-App in the Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.ac.swansea.eduroamcat If all this doesn’t work, try to configure your Android WLAN with the Eduroam-Installer: https://cat.eduroam.org To manually download the Certificate, check the […]

WiFi Windows

Setup the ETH-Wireless Profiles ETH and ETH-5 should not be used anymore Eduroam 1. Download and extract the Eduroam Windows 10 Configuration Tool: EDUROAM_Win10_ETHZ 2. Execute EDUROAM_Win10_ETHZ.exe and start the Installation 3. On the last Setup-Page, enter the following Credentials (Employes and Students have different realms):   4. Now connect with eduroam (stronger Signal) or […]