ETH Homepage

Calendar Sharing macOS

Sharing your Calendar macOS

ETH Zurich is using an Exchange-Server. If you have cofigured your Mail-Account in accordance with our instructions on E-Mail Mac your calendar (iCal) is already configured.

Find below our instructions how to share your personal calendar.

To share your Calendar in Office 365 on Windows, please follow here:

Sharing your Calendar

You can delegate read- and optional write rights to your calendars to any person.

A. Choose in the application Calendar -> Settings [1].

B. Choose Exchange [1] -> Accounts [2] -> Delegation [3] -> Edit… [4]

C. Click + [1] then choose Name or ETH Username [2]. You can now give access to your calendar to any number of people. Set the access rights [3]. Click Done [4].

This account can be used on all computers and phones you wish. Calendars are automatically synced.