ETH Homepage

WiFi iOS

Wireless Configuration iPhone

ETH Zurich will change its network access as of mid-November 2018. All private devices must be reconnected by then.

First delete all configured ETH networks —> Instructions here

Afterwards you can reconnect according to the following instructions:

How to connect to the ETH Wireless Network (SSID «eduroam-5» and «eduroam»)

1. Open «Settings».

2. Open «Wi-Fi».

3. Choose «eduroam-5» or «eduroam»..

4. Students: 

Fill in your ETH and your ETH Wifi password.

(E.g. John Doe:


Fill in your ETH and your ETH Wifi password.

(E.g. John Doe:

5. Accept the certificate by clicking on «Trust».

6. You are now successfully connected with the SSID «eduroam».