Each professorship/unit designates a person from its members to perform the tasks of the IT representative, whose activities are mainly limited to organisational and administrative tasks. This legitimised person also represents the IT concerns of the professorship/unit vis-à-vis the IT Service Group (ISG) of the D-ARCH.
In general, this includes the following tasks/activities:
Hardware (Laptops etc.)
- On request, we create configuration proposals for laptops, monitors, scanners or projectors and order these on behalf of the professorship. The devices are delivered inventoried and installed. Please send requests to helpdesk@arch.ethz.ch.
Server storage/space:
- On request, we can create additional shares on the server or increase them.
- https://it.arch.ethz.ch/de/category/storage/
Server authorisation:
- You manage the server permissions for the professorship/unit and re-certify the groups once a year when requested (confirm).
The management of individual groups can be extended to other people from the professorship on request (please no help assistants). This applies to the shares/network drives of the professorship as well as the student areas. https://it.arch.ethz.ch/de/edit-server-groups/ -
Mailing list:
- You update/maintain the professorship’s mailing lists and confirm their validity every 2 years (recertification).
- https://it.arch.ethz.ch/de/e-mail-distributor
- You introduce new employees to the IT environment of the professorship and D-ARCH (server access, printers, licences, calendar, support, etc.) and refer them to our website at www.it.arch.ethz.ch.
- On request, individual telephone numbers can be requested for ETH members at which they can be reached via the software solution. Application is made via helpdesk@arch.ethz.ch
- For us, you are the primary point of contact with the professorship/unit for IT-related questions/topics (organisational and administrative).
- At the request of the Finance and Controlling department, the inventory must be checked for completeness (every two years). The inventory is managed in ETHis under Procurement -> Equipment & Inventory.
After 4-5 years, the IT funds for the basic requirements of the professorship/unit are allocated and managed by the D-ARCH. The account balance can be requested at any time by e-mail to helpdesk@arch.ethz.ch. The funds of the IDB, ITA and GTA institutes are managed independently.
Team members:
- Team members may of course contact us directly if they have specific questions.
Please do not hesitate to write or stop by if you have any questions:
Mail: helpdesk@arch.ethz.ch
Servicedesk: HIL C 37