ETH Homepage

Remote Computers

Because of the COVID-19 regulations, not all computers located in the different computer rooms can be provided for physical use. For that reason, we created the possibility for you to access the computers using “Remote Desktop” (using a computer from distance).  Please follow these Terms of Use (Fair Use Principle):

Terms of Use – Fair Use Prinziple

Distance Learning and Courses always have priority. On the booked days (see below), only people that have registered for the course are allowed to log in on a computer.
Only one Login per person. Being simultaneously logged in on more than one PC is not permitted.
– Please don’t do long calculations on these computers. You can use the cloud services for these.
– Do not blockade a computer for more than 12 hours.
Only connect to computers that are free (see below)
– Please be aware that we might restart the computers over night for maintenance purposes.



Other people can always log you out, if you don’t deny the upcoming request in 30 seconds. None of your open documents will be saved!

Wordpress Table Plugin


Remote Computers

These computers can be used at any time (no courses/trainings here).

Choose a free computer to connect to. (Information on how to connect:
